Behold Christ's Glory

I love my Saviour this morning because He first loved me. If there is anything in my life, my words, my teachings, that is good, it is because Christ has put it there. It is not because of any goodness in me, and there is no glory to be directed to myself. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith; against these there is no law. We should experience this, and then we will not be under the bondage of the law of God by any means. You are free in Christ Jesus. We shall walk in liberty because our will is in harmony with the will of God and we love all His commandments.

“We have this treasure in earthen vessels,” but we are hid in Christ, and Christ is in God; so, our lives are hid with Christ in God and we reveal Christ, and in doing so we reveal the Father. Let this be a season when if you have sins to confess, or if you have wronged your brethren and have not right feelings toward them, for Christ's sake get these things out of the way. We want to be getting ready for the future life. Our Lord is coming with power and great glory. We are not to be surfeited and drunken with the cares of this life, but we are to keep our minds uplifted; and if we do this we shall see of the salvation of the Lord, and our hearts will be all light in the Lord, and we shall talk of His love and tell of His power and reveal Him to all around us.

It is our privilege to go on from strength to strength and from glory to glory. Do not think that because we have a glimmer of the light of God, that we have it all. It will soon leak out of your hearts as water out of a leaky vessel if your eyes are not fixed on the mark of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus. Unless you work with earnestness, the devil will sow doubts in your mind.

When you start out, the enemy may put into your minds some cheap, common, sensual thought; but lift your souls to Jesus Christ and think of His purity, and they will not long remain. Talk of His glory, think of His life; and when affliction comes to you, let it prove you to be God's workmen, working out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Then talk of His glory, and let your soul be full of the love of Jesus, and your hearts be uplifted to God every morning and noon and evening and if we fight the good fight of faith we shall come off victorious.—Ms. 3, 1889. (MR 900.15) - 1SAT 100.1 - 1SAT 101.1